PEP (People Educating Peers) Squad

PEP (People Educating Peers) Squad

The PEP Squad is the newest peer mentoring based initiative coming out of the Asian American Cultural Center. The focus of this inaugural program is to inspire university wide change through community impact and advocacy in education. To facilitate this, a force of young professionals is created to work towards bridging gaps in knowledge, resources, and communication across UConn’s main and regional campuses. PEP caters to first years, upper classman, staff, and faculty to create an educated, equitable community who can promote accountability and address community wide questions left unanswered. The squad centers around personal/professional development, public speaking, community-wide networking, and feedback to build sound students, professionals, and webs from AsACC outward.  


Our Mission
Striving to create a world free from harassment and rich in humanity within the Asian American community, our mission focuses on building safe, inclusive public spaces. We aim to transform the culture that fosters harassment and discrimination by empowering everyday individuals to cultivate safe and welcoming environments for everyone. Our purpose is simple: spread the word across the university through presentations, workshops, and outreach about topics students should always have in mind. Through investment in students, by students, we aspire to cultivate a collective driven by bringing clarity, conversation, and shared experiences further within UConn’s wide grasp. We work towards continually extending our reach into academic and social spaces through various presentations and workshops, for and by students. Our squad moves to put faculty, students, and university staff in a position to share knowledge and maximize their experiences on campus. Join the squad and put some PEP in your step. 


Request a PEP Workshop


 PEP Squad Mentee 2025-2026 will open in Fall 2025 academic year..   

Sign up here: PEP Squad Fall '25 - Is currently closed. 


Important Dates for Fall 25-Spring 26: 

Fall 2025 Application Deadline - TBD

PEP Fall 2025 Notifications/Acceptances – TBD

PEP Fall Training – begins October| TBD @ AsACC! 

Squad Curated Presentation Final – TBD @ AsACC! 



If you have any questions or concerns with any of the information provided above, please let us know immediately.  
